Analises de mel e propolis utilizando metodos quimiometricos de classificação e calibração / Propolis and honey analysis using calibration and crustering chemometric methods




This research work describes four studies of chemometrical methods employed for the characterisation of honey and propolis. In the first study honey quality parameters, that is, acidity, humidity, and reducing sugars, were measured with the aid of mid-infrared spectroscopy by attenuated total reflectance and partial least squares multivariate calibration. The obtained results show the viability of the employed techniques for the determination of the three quality parameters. T he second study aimed at the determination of honey colour, through the analysis of images obtained with a desktop scanner with a coupled charge device - CCD. The images thus obtained were processed and transformed into colour frequency histograms which were subsequently applied to a partial least squares multivariate calibration model. For this application, the developed method has shown to be appropriate for the determination of honey colour and also more robust, when compared to the reference method. In the third study propolis samples were semi-quantitatively analysed for metals using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence. The results were evaluated for their correlation with geographical origin using partial least squares discriminating analysis. The classification models were capable of identifying the geographical origin of all samples employed in the validation process. The fourth and last study aimed at the classification of propolis samples using mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with Fourier transform and partial least squares discriminating analysis. In this case, several developed models were capable of correctly classifying all validation samples. The guiding principle for the development of the studies herein described was the need for analytical methodologies with cost, execution time, ease of operation, and residue output better - or lower - than present day methods employed for the characterisation of honey and propolis samples.


honey pls mel pls (partial least squares) propolis propole chemometrics quimiometria

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