Analise morfodinamica do Rio Mogi Guaçu / Morphodynamics analysis of the Mogi Guaçu River




This study shows that fluvial dynamics of the Mogi Guaçu River (NE State of São Paulo, SE Brazilian) is influenced by hydrographic basin geological structures and lithologies that sustain the river bed. These structures and lithologies affect the shape of the longitudinal profile, changing the relationships between the stream flow dynamics and sedimentary load, breaking the river into segments with different transport conditions and morphology of the channel. Longitudinal profile analysis of the Mogi Guaçu Valley and River allowed to correlate the geological structures and distribution of lithology with the anomalies in the shape of the profile. These anomalies are segments of the river located above or below the trend line of the longitudinal profile. Lithologies resistant to fluvial erosion sustain anomalies above trend line of the profile, while structures and lineaments oriented Quaternary neotectonics motions, promoting anomalies below the trend line. Meandering development analysis and pedofacies association showed two floodplains of Mogi Guaçu River with different mophodynamics behaviors. The first of them, upstream an anomaly in the shape of the profile, showed meanders migration processes concentrated exclusively in the meander belt and soils with minimum and intermediate maturity. The second, downstream another anomaly in the shape of the profile, showed meanders migration processes for the whole floodplain and soils with minimum maturity. The geological structures and lithologies promote the anomalies in the shape of the longitudinal profile of the Mogi Guaçu River through changes in the fluvial gradient, forming segments with different mophodynamics behaviors


basins rochas sedimentares rio (sp) fluvial geomorphology geomorfologia fluvial - mogi-guacu geomorfologia fluvial - estudos longitudinais bacias hidrograficas sedimentary rocks fluvial geomorphology

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