Análise energética da produção de leite bovino na Fazenda Experimental Professor Hamilton de Abreu Navarro ICA/UFMG, em Montes Claros MG




This work aimed to analyze the energy spent on milk production of bovine dairy herd at Fazenda Experimental Professor Hamilton de Abreu Navarro FEHAN (Experimental farm), from Instituto de Ciências Agrárias da UFMG, in Montes Claros MG. The search for more efficient sustainable production systems is gaining importance in the national and international scenery. Thus, energy analysis of the milk activity may aid in the evaluation of production forms, besides providing subsidies to make a more accurate evaluation of the current situation of energy input and output use and the energy dependence level of the milk agroecosystem. In order to follow the production of the years 2008/2009, by means of information from the literature and oral statements from country workers of FEHAN, each operation of the technical itinerary of the dairy herd milk production has been analyzed. The results of the energy analysis were presented by the energy expenditure structure through energy type, source and form and by the produced gross energy. Considering the studied agroecosystem, we could observe a gross energy from the product - milk, that is, energy outputs of 8.570,49 MJ.ha-1, with a participation of the expenditures, i.e. energy inputs of 73,36% and 26,64% of the direct and indirect energy respectively. Milk agroecosystem is highly dependent on the biological source energy, mainly due to the use of concentrated feed with high energy value. The cultural efficiency found was 0,25, that is, for each caloric unit applied in the agroecosystem, only 0,25 caloric unit was produced. In other words, in order to produce one milk energy unit we need in average, the input of 4,0 energy units in the studied agroecosystem. We can verify through this that the agroecosystem of milk production at FEHAN ICA/UFMG was highly dependent on energy and inefficient from the energy point of view in the agricultural year studied.


bovino de leite criação teses leite produção

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