Análise do uso de técnicas modernas de gestão de estoques de peças sobressalentes em uma indústria do setor siderúrgico. / Analysis of the use of modern techniques of inventory management of spare parts in a company in the steel field.




This paper work was focused on the inventory management of spare parts. This theme is very relevant to the academic means due to the little national research and literature about it. The main goal of this research is analyzing the use of the inventory management of spare parts hybrid model in a company in the steel field. In order to do that, it was carried out a critical review of the literature available, reviewing the fundamental concepts of the inventory management, such as stock techniques and approaches (Economical Order Quantity, Reorder Point, ABC, Just-in-Time and MRP), as well as the calculations needed to reorder the stocks, in addition to other specific issues and main indicators in the spare parts management. The methodology adopted was the field research, which allowed a major deepening into the issues of the research. The company studied was selected due to the importance of its inventory management techniques related to its maintenance activities in the companys field of work. Presented the productive flow and the supply of the company, detailing the processes related to the inventory management of spare parts, including the functioning of the computing systems, as well as the calculi that support the activities, and the analysis of the research results. In the critical analysis of the results, it was made a confrontation with the theories presented and improvements were suggested in the model of the strategic management of the company, with the goal of reducing the values in stock and improving the users service.


spare parts gestão de estoques inventory management mrp peças sobressalentes administracao

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