Análise de eventos privados do tipo sentir sob controle de contingências programadas em um software. / Analysis of private events (fellings) under control of programmed contingencies in a software


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Behavior Analysts have appointed relations between contingencies of reinforcement, corporeal conditions (private events), and public events. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the control of programmed contingencies on private events (fellings), using a procedure that caused those events and evoked the tact of them (feelings). Twenty students executed the assignments from the software PsychoTacto 2.0. They were students (both sex aged between 11 and 14 years old) from a private elementary school in Vitória-ES. In front of a screen with four stimulus (cards), one located at the upper central part (model stimulus) and three aligned at the lower central part of the screen (comparison stimulus), the subjectives had answered, clicking with a mouse on one of the comparison stimulus. The consequence was programmed according to the basic contingencies of reinforcement in operation and at the end of each step they told what they felt. The cardiac frequency and the latency time of the answers were measured; motor and verbal behaviors were registered by trained observers; from the verbal ones was inferred instructional control about the performance. In the Positive Reinforcement phase predominated contentment (30%), anxiety (30%), satisfaction (20%) and joy (20%) reports. In the Negative Punishment phase predominated frustration (50%), disappointment (20%), sadness (20%) and apprehension (10%) reports. In the Positive Punishment phase predominated anger (30%), disgust (20%), anxiety (20%), apprehension (20%) and fear (10%) reports. And in the Negative Reinforcement, anxiety (40%), apprehension (30%) and relief (30%) reports. In all of the phases the answers presented a different average time of latency time, being the longest for the Positive Reinforcement (3 minutes and 17 seconds) and the shorter for Negative Reinforcement (1 minute and 23 seconds). The formulated rules indicated the non discrimination of the performance as a controlled variable. The combined motor, verbal and cardiac data indicate that the exhibition to contingencies can eliciate private events (feelings) and produce tacts of them. No discrepancies were registered among the obtained data from both, boys and girls.


psicologia tacto sentimento análise experimental do comportamento eventos privados feeling experimental analysis of behavior private events tact

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