Análise da Paisagem da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Tijucas, SC: Proposta de Áreas Prioritárias para um Sistema de Unidades de Conservação


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The analysis of use and land cover is one of the key steps for conducting the strategic planning of conservation of a watershed. This work aims to analyze the landscape of the River Basin Tijucas for purposes of proposed priority areas for implementation of conservation, using as tool the Geographic Information System (GIS), aiming to provide support for protection of environmental resources . This basin is located in the central coast of the state of Santa Catarina, in 8 of the river basin district. In diagnosis made with Landsat TM satellite images in 1985 the basin had more than 60% of its forest cover in good condition, but this area is going through a great pressure on urban occupation, requiring measures to protect biological diversity and water resources. To prove this, we generated thematic maps of hydrography, land use and land cover and existing conservation units. The importance of the study refers to identification of the use and land cover in the basin being proven a significant loss of native vegetation, which in 1985 accounted for 62.58% of the total area of the basin in 2006, 52.66%, generating a significant loss for the region over 21 years. It was considered inappropriate use of the areas occupied by culture, urbanization, exotic vegetation, pasture and irrigated field representing a sum of 46.64% of this occupation are in PAs, would be expected along the banks of watercourses, protected by legislation particular, are closer to natural. Showing that the study area is occupied so devoid of planning, without protection of their potential and natural resources, and environmental protection should aim to conserve nature and all the elements necessary to maintain the ecological balance. The method applied to the framework of the PA system was favorable distribution of the selected spots, where all patches (fragments) have studied as potential biodiversity value to justify the establishment of protected areas, therefore, established as priority areas. However, between fifteen areas, some are more likely to take effect due to social mobilization and / or knowledge and interest of the manager involved


remote sensing system of protect area land cover orbital picture sistema de unidades de conservação bacia hidrográfica paisagem sistema de informação geográfica geociencias gestão ambiental

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