Análise ambiental : reflexões sobre os processos de degradação ambiental no município de Bela Vista do Paraíso




Bela Vista do Paraíso borough, as well as others counties that make up the Paraná State?s North region, originated to do emphasis at coffee?s cultivation, what dispersed quickly around this space, become the great sensation of that moment. The quality of lands brought to this place poor families and contractors of industrial estates who didn?t linger to start this colonization process. First, the coffee allowed amount profit to landowners. But the financial crisis in the international market, the competition with other countries and, finally, the frosts process, which landed up to destroy the coffee plantations, bringing large problems to this space where in the sixties, there were more than 75% of your population living and working in the countryside. The implantation of temporary cultivations of soybean, corn and roheat replacing the coffee in the seventies, the occupation and the exploration of ground brought together inadequate skills of solo?s use, resulting in loss of fertility, abatement of productivity, erosion, exodus, other besides, because the owners were avid to new shapes to come by more profits eiyh the land work, mechanized your production system, so relieving the human work to machine, created unemployment and more social problems. These bad skills put us to search an ?environmental model? which the nature will be used with a racional form, because the growth always will be related to environment`s degrates, being necessary to think in a developy way providly, respecting and helping oneself of nature with more appropriate way as possible. The Bela Vista do Paraíso borough suffer with associated questions about environment. We have to find a environmental model which the technique know regard the environment, asking for a harmonious ways of connivance between: man-nature-tecnology and development. This questions, we propose to argue in this master`s project.


norte degradação ambiental - paraná norte environmental impact statements meio ambiente - paraná environmental environmental degradation impacto ambiental - brasil

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