An institutional discourse analysis in dentistsgroup: scenes and positions / Uma análise institucional do discurso em grupo com dentistas: cenas e posições




The present study was an interventional research within the Dentistry institution which involved a group of ten dentists, during six meetings of approximately one and a half hour each, about dental practices and the relationships with patients and their companions. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of one institutional analysis of the discourse, a method which has been developed by Marlene Guirado. A concrete analysis was carried out both in action and in the group dimention, concerning the mobility of speech positions of the participants and about the observation of possible movements in the relationships between institutional agents and clientele. Within the thesis text, from a theoretical point of view, we started off by examining Dentistry itself, understanding the role of the dentist in a brief History of the aforementioned profession. Afterwards, we presented interfaces in the specialized literature concerning Psychoanalysis, Psychology and Dentistry, and we think about the trends of these interinstitutional approximations. That being the case, we focused on the conceptual contributions and studies concerning group, relevant to our theme and to what we drew as our main guideline for the analysis: the institutional relationships in group. We differ from a vision of group entity (or group mind) so common in the psychological and psychoanalytic fields. The writing about method is elucidative of our ideas and their procedural designs. Based on the analysis of the act analysis, it was possible for us to perceive effects in the imaginary and micropolitics of Dentistry relations in the institutional order of the discourse scenes and positions. We defend the thesis that the Institutional Discourse Analysis is a rich thinking strategy for beyond the interviews, its habitual operative style, to group work particularly as it will be recognized in the thematic proposed. We suggest, still, that such method be a reference for new interventional studies in both Psychology and Psychoanalysis fields, not just in a group. The fertility of this recourse concerns linking the aforementioned areas of knowledge with other epistemological bases such as the French Discourse Analysis, Concrete Institutional Analysis and Foucaults thoughts, overturning what is established.


análise do discurso análise institucional discourse analysis group work dentistry trabalho em grupo odontologia institutional analysis

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