Alternativas para o Reaproveitamento de Rejeitos Industriais de Poli(tereftalato de etileno) Reciclado / Alternatives for recycling of industrial wastes of recycled poly (ethylene terephthalate)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The production of nonwoven fabrics (NWF) by extrusion process from recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is an interesting way for polymer recycling used by industry which to allow conciliate economic viability with environmental benefits. However, during extrusion step, a fraction of material is lost due to equipment clogging or others factors, leading to production of considerable amount of wastes which can not reinserted in system, due to the depreciation of material properties that occurs during thermal-mechanical processing. These rejects are generally deposited in land wastes. In this work was carried out a study about recycling of PET wastes from NWF production lines, using additives of chain extender kind to recoup properties that had been highly depreciated. The incorporation of chain extenders of kind anhydride, isocyanate and phosphorous compounds by reactive extrusion improved considerably some chemical, mechanical and rheological properties of PET waste such as increase in molecular weight, melt viscosity and strain strength, easing the thermal-mechanical processing and making possible the use of PET waste in news steps of mechanical recycling. The possibility to convert expenditures with wastes discarding operations into profits due to the values aggregation on these polymeric wastes is very interesting for the industries. Then, the decrease of amount of polymeric materials deposited in natural environment signifies less contamination to several ecosystems, supporting the works that have been realized to decrease pollutants and to preserve the nature.


chain extender extensores de cadeia extrusão reativa reactive extrusion reciclagem recycling

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