Almeida Prado : Haendelphonia, a analytical approach / Almeida Prado : Haendelphonia, um estudo de analise




This research aims to carry out a study of analysis - Almeida Prado s Suite Haendelphonia. This study also comprehends a four dance comparative analysis from Haendel s Suites. The research, which emphasizes the need of adequate techniques of analysis on the repertoire to be studied, aims to approach the method in which Almeida Prado makes use on Suite Handelphonia, a material related to tonal music, and to demonstrate the importance of analysis in performance. The dissertation consists of a detailed report on the Suite gender, considerations on the techniques of analysis which were utilized and the analysis of four dances from Haendel s Suites; contextualization and analysis of Suite Haendelphonia; comparisons among the four dances from Haendel s Suites and the ones of Almeida Prado. The bibliography comprehends History of music and techniques of analysis of both tonal and post tonal music, and also, the dissertations and thesis referring to the composer Almeida Prado s work. The conclusion shows that the composer, by utilizing a material related to a tonal context, makes uses of creation processes referring to post-tonal music, giving, therefore, a unique character to the piece. Both an original fac simile and a software edited version are to be found attached


teoria dos conjuntos analysis pitch class sets analise

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