Alguns resultados em teoria de partições e teoria de codigos




This thesis consists of the publications done by the candidate. In these publications we have used many combinatorial to01s inc1uding: generating functions, q-calculus, various properties of sequences of integer numbers etc. were used in the theory of partitions and the coding theory. The thesis consists of six papers: three of them take into consideration combinatorial aspects (interpretations in terms of different classes of partitions) of identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type, are expIored and where different sequences of integer numbers naturally appear. The fourth paper deals with Catalan sequence, discrete Hankel transforro and Fibonacci sequence. A conjecture by Layman 1S proved. In the fifth paper a construction of a class of Low-Density Parity-Check codes is proposed. An interesting connection between this c1ass of codes and a sequence examined by Od1yzko and Stanley is also shown. The Iast paper deaIs with the probIem of determining Shannon capacity of an optical system by a numerical method


partições (matematica) teoria dos numeros

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