Alfa e beta-amilase no metabolismo do amido durante o amadurecimento da banana: clonagem, expressão e caracterização molecular / Alpha and beta-amylase in the starch metabolism during banana ripening: cloning, expression and molecular characterization.




The starch breakdown in plants is accomplished by several enzymes and pathways and it is the main feature of the ripening in climacteric fruits, such as banana. The function of the hydrolytic enzymes, alpha-amylase and beta-amylase, in the starch-to-sugar metabolism during banana ripening, was evaluated through the determination of the profiles of transcription and translation of its genes. Using the heterologous expression of amylases cDNA clones, was possible to get recombinant proteins in its enzymatically active form, as well as inducing the production of the polyclonal antibodies in rabbits, and use this to evaluate the expression profile of each one enzyme. The treatment of bananas with the hormone ethylene induced the anticipation of the processes of degradation of starch and synthesis of sugars in relation to the control group. While in the control group the variations of protein and transcription levels for alpha-amylase suggests a reduction in the gene expression, in the ethylene group was not possible to detect the expression of the protein, despite the increments in the transcription and activity. Such fact can be associated with the degradation of the starch granules and the resultant surface protein solubilization, and the probable increase in the protein turnover promoted by ethylene treatment. In response to the ethylene, the peak related to beta-amylase activity has been anticipated and the same was occurred with the transcription and translation of this enzyme. These results suggest that the profile of expression and activity of beta-amylase are directly related to the degradation of starch and do respond to hormonal treatment of banana fruits, which could not be affirmed for the enzyme alpha-amylase.


ethylene amilase expressão gênica amylase starch banana amido banana etileno gene expression fruit ripening

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