Além dos espelhos: memórias, imagens e trabalhos de duas congregações católicas francesas em São Paulo. / Besides the mirrors: memories, images and accomplishments of two french catholic congregations in São Paulo.




This research intends to understand the internal operation and the structure of two French Catholic Congregations installed in Brazil in the first half of the century XX: the Sisters of the Sacred Family from Bordeaux (France) and the Sisters of Ours Mrs. of Calvary. Using as sources the collective memory built by them and also the narratives of the own nuns that came to Brazil, collected in chronicles, letters and interviews, following the practices developed by those institutions - the memory, the imitation and the preaching - in three different moments: the foundations in France, in the first half of the century XIX; the arrival to Brazil; and the foundation of their schools in the decade of 1950. Starting from an institutional history that comes crystallized and homogeneous, this investigation analyze theimage that those nuns built of them own, in the past and in the present, it analyzes the autonomy margin and possible changes for those women inside of those institutions, it delineates which the courses drawn by them in a new country, it show which the conflicts with the headquarters and explores the reorganization possibilities or of to reinvent the Congregations in the exchange France-Brazil. The conclusions of that research pronounce around of the three themes that search all the work: memory and change, imitation and power and tactics and strategies in the preaching.


práticas modelos educação de mulheres memories models memórias women s education practices nuns religiosas

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