Envelhecer sem espelhos: olhando o envelhecimento de pessoas com deficiência visual / Ageing without mirrors: looking at the ageing of persons with visual disabilities




Ageing and visual impairment are complex subjects that are interlinked in the present study in order to get a more in-depth understanding of this issue. From the understanding of this phenomenon, changes can be caused in the attitudes of society regarding ageing with visual impairment. Understanding how such a specific ageing process comes about is essential to drafting strategies aimed at improving living conditions and encouraging the full development of all the skills these individuals have. The aim of the present study was to investigate how ageing occurs in individuals with visual impairment who were treated at the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind at some point in their lives. A qualitative approach was employed, gathering statements from seven elderly individuals based on pre-defined questions and a final guiding question. The individuals were selected intentionally, following pre-established inclusion criteria. The data were analyzed based on the categories extracted from the statements of the individuals. During the transcriptions, two main analysis categories were perceived: Ageing and Disability. Within these categories, issues such as dependence, family, social relations, perception of ageing, maintenance of life projects, etc. were addressed. Finally, it was perceived that ageing can be more difficult when one cannot rely upon the specular image parameter. Adaptation to visual impairment and coping strategies regarding ageing with a disability depend upon the social support network that involves the subject, including family, friends and specialized support institution as well as the maintenance of an autonomous, independent life and self-determination to continue fighting for survival


servico social gerontologia envelhecimento ageing visual disabilities gerontology deficiência visual deficientes visuais

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