Agrupamento vertical: uma discussão com educadores sobre a sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento da criança pré-escolar




The decision to relate experiences in the field of childrens education, carried out by Brazilian educators, was born from the desire to record works which could not be lost to time. These include: Maria Cunhas work inside primary school Recanto Infantil, and with communities from outside the school, the research about Brazilian childrens language development done by Heloisa Marinho (all of them in Rio de Janeiro) and also the implantation of mixed-age groups of children in nurseries by Júlia Chaves in the city of Brasília. This research focuses the mixed-age groups, which consist in an educational program to children from different ages, developed in the same pre-school classroom. The mixed-age groups needed to be observed by studies able to establish the foundations of its practice and also able to prove the contributive aspects to lhe childs development, between ages of two and five years. The theoretical referential is based on Escola Nova, presenting indicatives which pointed to education as life, as an existing action in the childs everyday routine. Therefore, the contact with the school would be pleasant, healthy and developed through funny activities. The first step in this study consisted in clarifying the pedagogic action which began in the childs experience inside his/her own family, or rather, the mixture of ages among brothers/sisters, cousing and other family members as na encouragement to lhe learning process. The second step searched for guidance in Dewey and Piaget and in Marinhos research, and from these sources, define the fields which, when observed, would indicate greater loyalty to the childs development. The third step was to investigate would be the contributions in the fields of language and social relationships and its repercussions, with particular importance to the discussion about limits and the building of autonomy, which constituted the scenario of the discussion with the educators involved in the practice of dealing with mixed-age-groups. The investigation intended to achieve the orientation of a qualitative research and of the application of studies with ethnographic nature. The research results have shown that the mixed-age groups have contributions to offer when it comes to the work with the pre-school child and that other aspects of childrens development need to be investigated with more caution in this pedagogic practice. It is valid to underline that the pedagogy in which the work is introduced, Expressive Interaction Pedagogy, establishes the child according to the principles of freedom without fear and cannot be detached from facts and occurrences life.


educação de crianças agrupamento por aptidão (educação) educação pré-escolar métodos acelerados do ensino educacao

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