Agronomic effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers varying in water solubility in soils with different p fixation capacity. / Eficiência agronômica de fosfatos com solubilidade variável em água em solos distintos quanto a capacidade de fixação de fósforo.




The greenhouse experiment was developed from February to march 2004 utilizing a factorial design with five sources of phosphorus, four rates, two soils varying in phosphorus adsorption capacity, two controls with no phosphorus and three replicates. The study was designed to evaluate the effect of the soil phosphorus adsorption capacity in the relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE, %) of alternative sources of P, varying in water solubility (low grade SSP-LGSSP, magnesium multiphosphate-MFM, Arad phosphate rock-FR, cationic impurity present in triple superphosphate-H14), as compared to the standard with high water solubility (= reagent grade monocalcium phosphate-FMC), in the rates of 12,5; 25,0; 50,0; and 100,0 mg kg-1 of total P. Soil sub samples were sieved and mixed with the P sources in the powder form, and corn (Zea mays cultivar Sol da Manhã) cultivated for five weeks. The hypothesis tested was that the alternative sources would present higher RAE in the soil with higher phosphorus adsorption capacity. The dry matter-yield followed the same trend in both soils with FMC >MFM = H-14 >LGSSP >FR. The RAE did not present a good relation with the water or the neutral ammonium citrate + water solubility of the sources. The RAE of the alternative P sources was higher in all cases in the soil with higher P adsorption capacity when utilizing the lower rates of P, what is in agreement with the hypothesis. New studies are suggested, in greenhouse and specially at field conditions, involving, among other variables, situations related to sources (type and size), time, cultivation system and soils. New datasets can lead to better utilization of phosphorus sources varying in water solubility as related to the traditional sources with high water solubility.


fixação fixation phosphates agronomic effectiveness fertilidade do solo soil fertility fosfatos eficiência agronômica

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