Eficiência nutricional de fontes de fósforo com solubilidade variável em água em cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) / Nutritional effectiveness of phosphorus sources varying in water solubility for cultivars of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.)




Cultivars of upland rice may vary in terms of absorption and utilization of phosphorus in soils deficient in this nutrient. Breeding is generally performed in optimal conditions of soil fertility leading to the possibility that new cultivars decrease their condition to absorb and utilize P. The agronomic effectiveness of P sources is related to many aspects, among those the crop specie. Cultivars of traditional upland rice may present mechanisms leading to higher effectiveness of P sources containing low water solubility. This study consisted of two greenhouse experiments conducted at the Department of Soil and Plant Nutrition, ESALQ/USP: (i) evaluation of the absorption and utilization of P by nine cultivars of upland rice (five traditional cultivars - Caiapó, Carajás, IAC 47, Bico Ganga e Guarani - and four modern cultivars - Bonança, Curinga, Vencedora e Primavera), and (ii) evaluation of the agronomic effectiveness of P sources varying in water solubility for traditional and modern cultivars of upland rice, in which four cultivars (two traditional - Bico Ganga and Guarani - and two modern - Bonança and Primavera) interacted with four P sources (monocalcium phosphate - MCP, termophosphate - Termo, magnesium multiphosphate - MMP and Arad phosphate rock - PR). Samples of a Red Yellow Latosol, with the addition of 25 and 100 mg P kg-1 plus the control, were utilized in both experiments. Each treatment was repeated three times with the experimental design as blocks. In experiment 1 the objective was to evaluate traditional and modern cultivars of upland rice as related to their effectiveness in terms of absorption and utilization of P, with the hypothesis that breeding not necessarily lead to materials with lower effectiveness. The results obtained for the modern cultivar Curinga confirm the hypothesis once its effectiveness was higher as compared to traditional cultivars. In experiment 2 the objective was to evaluate the relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) of P sources varying in water solubility for traditional and modern cultivars, with the hypothesis that P sources with low water solubility may present higher agronomic effectiveness when applied to traditional as compared to modern cultivars. The results showed that the RAE of the P sources with low water solubility varied among cultivars but not related to the fact if traditional or modern, thus denying belief in literature.


crop varieties fósforo – acumulação phosphate fertilizers arroz agronomic effectiveness eficiência agronômica variedades vegetais phosphorus – uptake fertilizantes fosfatados rice

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