Afinal, para que educar o Emílio e a Sofia? : Rousseau e a formação dos indivíduos.




This study aims to examine how Rousseau, in the book "Emílio, or Education", build the ideal man and woman at the turn of democratic modernity, through an educational, moral and policy based on sexual differentiation proposal. Obviously, the educational ideas of this "Genebrian" can be investigated by various nuances, such as the investigations seeking to study the orphan created by the preceptor, main character of the work. The path we want to follow seeks an approach along hermeneutics and dialectics and points to an interpretation of the characters of the educational work, namely: Emilio and Sofia, in close relationship. We seek an unit vision of the work and the moral, political and educational implications Rousseau s thoughts and the context in which they were generated. Furthermore, education and different morality between sexes were defined from a specific support of human nature that, in many cases, we would refer as a biological reference that contributes at the end, so that Emílio and Sofia - as identitary models of male and female became unequal beings and have exclusionary roles and positions in society. Therefore, we noticed that while the education of Emílio is to the freedom and happiness found in the exercise of citizenship, Sofia s education tranformes her, based on a set of rules of conduct, into a docile woman, virtuous, submissive and responsible for maintenance of private space. On the moral and political level, the "womenazation of the habits" and the flagrant replacement of the military and civilian qualities by qualities identified as intrinsically female (superficiality, tenderness and appearance) hás justified the fear of Rousseau about the rise of women in the public sphere. Meanwhile, in the tension between female emancipation and conformation, the "Genebrian" philosopher sought to exempt himself from all charges of contempt for women even when identifying them as a civilisation power whose action is provided in the family, cell mater of society. The alleged weakness women in the work "Emilio", is not defined by the philosopher as a postulate, but as a "principle established by nature", or better, by ties that could only be understood in logical terms. In Speech About the Science and the Arts, Rousseau tells us that the ascendancy of women was not an evil itself: well directed, could produce the reverse order the same proportion of evil which had caused to the society. For that woman should learn what was the greatness of soul and virtue in order to give the homeland citizens and not useless men.


citizenship philosophy cidadania moral education feminismo iluminisms moral iluminismo filosofia feminism educacao educação rousseau

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