âDireitoâ de torturar? AnÃlise da Lei n. 9.455/97, lei anti-tortura: aplicabilidade no Estado do PiauÃ




The present abstract is an estimated study of the applicability of the Law n. 9.455/97 (The Anti-torture Law) in the State of PiauÃ, through the analysis of the cases of torture denounced after the publication of the law quoted before. After the definition of the term âtortureâ, its practice in Brazil was historically narrated, standing out the period of the Military Dictatorship in this Country. The aspects of the torture were mainly researched in the Cesare Beccariaâs masterpiece. Alluded to the Principle of the Human Dignity, this principle was considered just like stated in the Brazilian Federal Constitution. It was also carried out an analysis of the Law n. 9.455/97. The study allowed the elaboration of a list of cases of torture denounced in the State of PiauÃ, after the publication of the referred law, as well as a profile of those which became judicial lawsuits


the anti-torture law cases of torture in piauà lei anti-tortura princÃpio da dignidade da pessoa humana torture law n. 9.455/97 lei n. 9.455/97 tortura em beccaria the principle of the human dignity torture by beccaria tortura casos de tortura no piauà direito

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