"Abstração reflexiva e construção da noção de multiplicação, via jogos de regras : em busca de relações




The main aims of this work is verify how much an educational intervention through games would be useful to the construction of the multiplication notion in children and the establishment of relations between the reflexive abstraction and the construction of the multiplication notion. Seventeen subjects were studied, they took part of a third grade elementary and cooperative school in São José do Rio Preto. A pre-test was applied individually with the subjects for evaluating the reflexive abstraction leveI and the multiplication and division notions . A posttest composed by the same experiments verified the subjects evaluation afier a garoe intervention performed by the teacher and the researcher.Both tests were constituted by reflexive abstraction: construction of common multiples and the arithmetic multiplication and division experiments. At the pre-test was included some solving problems and multiplication exercises in order to verify if these matters were known by the subjects. Six intervention sections were performed using "Pega-varetas" and "Argolas" games which allowed to put in evidence problematic situations about multiplication. During the intervention, the subjects were organized in four groups. These groups ere chosen at random. The data qualitative analysis allowed to verify that the subjects presented nowledge about the school contents that involved multiplication. Concerning to the relations between the construction of the multiplication notion and the reflexive abstraction, the lIA abstraction leveI reaches more complex levels about the multiplication construction. owever, the latest one presents the biggest incidence at the students that presented levels IIB and III at the reflexive abstraction test. From seventeen subjects studied, thirteen of them presented evolution in at least one of the studied aspects either the reflexive abstraction or the building of multiplication notion. According to the results we may say that the intervention trough games allowed significant evolution at the multiplication construction. It performed compensatory disturbance and regulation contributing to the balance processes


abstração jogos

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