Absorption march of nutrients and productivity in vernalized garlic originated from tissue culture under nitrogen and molybdenum doses / MARCHA DE ABSORÃÃO DE NUTRIENTES E PRODUTIVIDADE EM ALHO VERNALIZADO PROVENIENTE DE CULTURA DE MERISTEMAS SOB DOSES DE NITROGÃNIO E MOLIBDÃNIO




The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth and absorption of nutrients in vernalized garlic originated from tissue culture and the response to the application of different topdressing nitrogen doses and molybdenum doses applied by foliar dressing. Three experiments were conducted on field conditions in the Sector of Horticulture of the Federal University of Lavras between 17/04/2007 and 25/08/2007. The cultivar utilized was âRoxo PÃrola de CaÃadorâ, being the bulbs originated from tissue culture used for planting (four multiplications in field) submitted to the vernalization by 50 days at 4ÂC. In the first experiment, the growth and development of culture and the march of absorption of macro and micronutrients in function of different topdressing nitrogen doses (60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 kg ha-1) were evaluated. In the second work, was determined the productivity and index of secondary bulb growth in response to the doses of N evaluated in the first experiment. In the third experiment, the effects of the combination of topdressing nitrogen doses (60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 kg ha-1) with molybdenum doses applied by foliar dressing (0, 100, 200 and 300 g ha-1) in productivity and the occurrence of secondary bulb growth were evaluated. No differences in the growth, accumulation of dry matter and bulb development were verified for nitrogen doses applied. The sequence extraction of macronutrients for all nitrogen levels evaluated was: N>K>Ca>S>P>Mg, while for micronutrients was Fe>B>Zn>Cu>Mn. The commercial bulbs productivity obtained in vernalized garlic was directly influenced for the topdressing nitrogen dose and secondary bulb growth rates observed. Foliar applications of Mo prejudice the productive performance of vernalized garlic.


alho, produtividade, nutriÃÃo fitotecnia allium sativum, mineral nutrition, bulbification.

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