About the concept of act in Psychoanlaysis / Ato x decifração: sobre o conceito de ato em psicanálise




The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the concept of act in psychoanalysis considering Freud and Lacans propositions. The author analyses the concept of act taking four categories of unconscious acts as a starting point; the acting out, the passage à lacte, the act intrinsically related to what Lacan calls the true wish and finally the Freudian slip. The first chapter introduces the theoretical concept of act in psychoanalysis considering the relation between act and repetition. Then the author suggests a reflection about three related points: transference, resistance and repetition. The third chapter investigates the relation between the concepts of act and wish according to the psychoanalytical theory. Based on clinical cases in which acts precede the analysis, it could be said that the analytical process would enable an articulation through the act of speech. Considering the description of a clinical case, the article aims to discuss the effect of the significant articulation in the analytical work, which includes an implicit interdiction as to the act in its fundamental rule: the free association.


psychoanalytic act tratamento e prevencao psicologica ato em psicanálise transferencia (psicologia) psicanálise e ética act in psychoanalysis ato psicanalítico

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