A utilização de apoio bibliografico como recurso metodologico para o ensino da Educação Fisica nos niveis fundamental e medio de escolarização na cidade de Catalão-GO




This study discusses the utilization of the bibliographic support for the student, like a methodologic recourse for the Physical Education teaching in the elementary and high levels. Constitute target of our investigation, questions referring to reading paper in the subjects formation on social and scholar context, searching understand how this object find inside of the Physical Education class organization and that way the reading manifest next to public schools reality of the Catalão-GO City, that represent our research universe. 50 search, establish a dialogue between authors in the education camp, reading and Physical Education and the subjects that live the pedagogic practice in the school. In the work camp apply questionnaires of kind open for the 27 teachers that compose the teacher chart in Physical Education area in Catalão-GO City. Wholly were picked up some pedagogic materiais, of kind writing text, that are used for the teachers in your pedagogic practice. In the presence of the purpose establish for this study, was possible testify that the most teachers use some form of writing text to the your c1ass evolution, whose present motive to prove the your utilization could be systematized in three categories: the teaching apprenticeship process, the student formation perspective and the teacher pedagogic practice perspective. Although, in no one circumstance, the three categories appear combined, demonstrating connections absence between they. Identified even of the diverse nature, welllike the contents and themes treated in him, haven t a systematized process to the utilization that material, though all the teachers affirm the your importance. Of this form, understood that the use of the bibliographic support as more if will be a important recourse, in the whole of the excessive recourse in the student formation process, as had defined proposals for this, in a education project with perspective to subject preparing for live third millennium challenges


educação fisica para adolescentes aprendizagem leitura

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