A teoria freudiana do fênomeno moral e a filosofia moral de Kant: é o superego um imperativo categórico?




This work intends to make use of Kants moral philosophy, specially the concept of autonomy, in order to get a better unsderstanding of Freuds moral phenomenon theory, what means the superego theory. Aiming at this purpose, the work proposes three questions: a) whats the legitimacy of a moral psychic instance as a concept of a theory that has in its basis the unconscious determinism? b) whats the adequacy of the Freuds parallel between the superego and Kants categorical imperative? c) whats the use of Kants moral philosophy to a better understanding of Freuds superego theory? The work tries to demonstrate the limitation of Freuds parallels between the superego and the categorical imperative, considering that this paralles occurs in a moment of elaboration of the superego concept. It also looks to emphasize the shared bases of both Freud and Kant theories in the iluministic concept of reason, and the consequences of this fact for Freuds superego theory, specially in order to answer the question: is it possible the autonomy of the superego, in Kants sense of autonomy?


superego razão superego moral autonomy moral reason filosofia autonomia

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