A revisÃo judicial dos contratos e a evoluÃÃo do direito contratual




The present dissertation aims at analyzing the judicial revision of contracts as an intrinsic element of a new social conception of agreements, which is marked by the State intervention in their content and by the arise of new social principles, especially objective good-faith, social function of the contracts and the material equivalence of the contractual obligations. Indeed, the removal of the absolute obligatoriness of accomplishment of agreements, even though it appeared to be unfair, could only be possible with the idea that the criterion of contractual justice ought to reside in the proportionality and balance of the mutual obligations ant not only in the absence of vices or defects on the will declaration. Therefore, the revision of contracts is connected to the social conception of contracts and to the social principles of the contract, especially to the principle of material equivalence, whose major purpose is the incessant search for justice and balance in pacts. Although this would be enough to make the judicial intervention possible, the Brazilian law system has got some hypothesis which, at the same time, authorize and express the judicial revision. These hypothesis are: the abusive clauses, disproportional obligations and the alteration of circumstances in which the contracts were formed â Unexpectedness Principle, present at the Civil Code of 2002, and the excessive supervening onerousness, present at the Law number 8.078/1990 âConsumers Defense Codeâ. Using such hypothesis, the magistrate, with a behavior usually equitable, will be able to revise the contract, in a way to allow its maintenance, in a useful, fair and balanced way to both parts. Only this way the material equivalence of the obligations and the contractual justice will prevail, within a new social conception of the contracts


social conception of contracts direito material equivalence and contractual justice equivalÃncia material e justiÃa contratual judicial revision of contracts concepÃÃo social dos contratos revisÃo judicial dos contratos

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