A representação do mestre na educação a distância : um estudo de caso baiano




This work is to obtain information enabling the representation of the outline figure of the master in the Distance Education and lift parameters for comparison with the representation of teachers in the same environment. It is a case study on a group of Master of Bahia, in formation through the EaD. This is a study that explores the format of the representation of the figure of the master in the environment logical and subjective, which gives the distance education, seeking to point to the implications arising in training for the type of representation that is, may indicate some possible changes in the plan that passed in representing real competitor for more quality in the education system. Review aspects of the relationship of New Technologies of Communication and Information (NTCIs) in relation to subjectivity, especially in relation to the subject in the process of study and training. Thus, the process focuses on building collective imaginary and social representation and its relations with the formation of the subject, aimed at understanding the construction of imaginary master. We tried to focus on categories of variables involved through the concepts of imaginary, symbolic and real vision coming from the structuralist and psychoanalysis, and the concept of imagination of the studies of history, addressed these categories, for the purpose of the study, by cutting methodological the core of the theory of social representations.


mestres em educacao representação social professores engenharia de producao production engineering ensino a distancia engenharia de produção

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