A representação comercial internacional no Mercosul: harmonização legislativa e solução de controvérsias




The present dissertation is mainly dedicated to the study of the autonomous or independent commercial agency institute in the countries that constitute MERCOSUL. In its first section, two main aspects are considered: the economical block as the well succeeded result of one of the countless integration is processes in which the South American countries have gone through, based on an analysis which begins with the study of its historical,political, economical, social and cultural antecedents and is completed with a series of considerations about its present problems, development stage and persecuted goals; and, a second aspect, which mainly considers the law harmonization and the controversy solution means at the institutional ambit of MERCOSUL. After that, in the second section of the work, a complete analysis of the commercial agency contract is initially done, through the study of its historical sources, of the institute conceit in its classical form and some aspects of its general characteristics. This part of the work is concluded by a detailed explanation of the applied legislation to this kind of contract in each of the four countries of the block, particularizing the contract characteristics and the contractors obligations. The third and last section of the work is divided in three different parts. In the first one a study about the commercial law harmonization is conducted, mainly focusing he commercial agency contract. In the second part, a detailed study of the private international law, of internal source as well as of external source, related to the countries of the block is conducted, aiming the international jurisdiction related to commercial contracts. The conclusion of this third section of the work is done by a study about the international commercial arbitration of MERCOSUL, fixing its material and spatial ambit of application, species, arbitral procedure elements etc., emphasizing its advantages alternative for the commercial controversy solution


representacao comercial direito comercial mercosul arbitragem comercial internacional

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