A relaÃÃo entre o pÃblico e o privado na educaÃÃo superior no Brasil e o programa Universidade para todos (PROUNI): ambigÃidades e contradiÃÃes




The relationship between public and private is shown as an emblematic characteristic of contemporaneity, nothing existing in the complexity of reality that is not linked to it. The object of the present work proposes to analyse the referred to relationship in the context of higher education. Its starting point is the academic production on the theme, which proves the necessity of theoretical delimitation of the categories that configure the theme. Amongst them, the proper concepts of Public and of Private. The delimitation of the theoretical categories allows analyses of the public policies regarding the privilege given to the public and Private or the Private. In this perspective, it is indicated that the existent polarization in discourses and analysis does not correspond to what happens in reality. In the context of the relationship among State, society and market, for example, the research indicated the existence of dialectical contradiction in the formulation and implementation of policies for higher education in general, and specially, in the case of university for all program. Consequently, the results of the program translate social conquests, emphasizing its public dimension, as much as profits for the market, emphasizing its private dimension. These finds were able to be verified by means of the analyses of documents, legal instruments of regulation of public policies for higher education, pronouncements of the agents directly connected to the theme, as well as, through the datum which resulted from the implementation of the policies stated, procedures fundamented on the methodology of triangulation of methods by which we articulate perspectives of various displines and different technics of collection and analising datum


higher education public pÃblico prouni educacao educaÃÃo superior prouni privado private

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