This master education essay exposes results from a research that has as aim of study The Professional Education Reform in the new LDB/1996 and in the Federal Decree-Law number 2208/1997.It approaches the technical-profissionalizing education in its subordination to the logic of the transnational capital and the resistance of the education professional contextualizing it in the démarche of the flexible production of the neoliberal globalization in Brazil, in the 90 decade, in its relations in the productive reorganization of the flexible capital of the production and of the work, in the field of the systemic crisis of the capitalism. The exposition of the results of this essay is structured in three chapters. In the first, the educational reform is contextualizing in relation to the capital systemic crisis and its global intensification process, the flexible productive reorganization and the consequent mutations in the work and in the education world as well as the role of the Brazilian Neoliberal State policy, in the 90 decade. The second presents the liberal citizen ship concept and its relation with the education, expressing the limits from the juridical equality of the citizenship(in a class societies and private appropriation from the production means) in the divulged democratization and universalization of the professional education. In the last articulate dialectically the theoric contents and concepts of the prior chapters to the professional education reform, in its contradictions between the proposal purposes and the effective purposes in the real world of the educative practice, to the light of the pertinent legislation, to the structural contradictions of the production of the flexible capital, to the logical financial rationality to the maintenance of the structural duality of the secondary education to the practical expression of the education ideologic discourse, based on recent empirical researches, in that modality of teaching. In that way, could conclude, by the technical procedure and dialectical theoricmethodologic adopted, that the professional education of the secondary school, started by the reform, deepen the structural duality between the scientific-politic knowledge and the technical productive construction, opposing the proposed targets in the law, confirming, in the macro aspect, the subordination of the education to the logic of the capital, as well as the structural-historic dependence of the brazilian economy to the international division of the production and of the work.


educação técnico-profissionalizante ldb educação profissional reforma educacional educacao

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