A qualidade de vida no trabalho na gestÃo das empresas exportadoras de SÃo LuÃs




The matter of the present case study are the exporting companies of SÃo LuÃs. Applying the Walton model for the analysis of Quality of Life at Work â QLW it was known the perception and satisfaction level of the workers as related to QLW in this area that has historically boosted the economic growth of MaranhÃo. It is an study of descriptive nature that included the opinion of 181 workers, randomly selected from the universe of constituted of the employees of six exporting companies in SÃo LuÃs. The data were collected by using a questionaire where the identification of the workers satisfaction in relation to the factors and dimensions of the Walton model was measured by a 5-point Lickert scale type. For the identification of the companies and the gathering of informations about formal policies of human resources adapted as it refers to salaries and benefits, working conditions improvement, training and development, personell movementation and quality of life at work, it was applyed a questionaire in an individual interview with those responsible for the human resources areas of the companies. The results of the investigation show that the companies, under the employees point of view, are answering in a satisfactory or above satisfactory manner the dimensions of the model, supplying benefits, adequate salaries, working conditions, assuring to the employees the professional realization and acknowledgement for their work


satisfaction satisfaÃÃo quality in the working life economia qualidade de vida no trabalho

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