A proteção da moral sexual de crianças e adolescentes no âmbito penal - Lei federal No. 8069/90




This assignment aims an analysis of the children and adolescents protection. At first, in a general way, it will be tackled the study of protection at an international level. Subsequently, at a national level, it will be made a brief historical summary, until the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Child and Adolescent Statute, documents that modified exceedingly the directing of the protection mentioned. It will be developed, in a concise way, their actual characteristics. Done the generic thought above, the subject will be silt up, showing the peculiarities of the protection in a penal scope, individualizing the contemporary movement of criminal politics which have an influence on our Child and Adolescent Statutes legislator. All these premises indicated, will be useful to the main subject analysis, moral and sexual probity protection of the children and adolescents as penal legal good, although the modern Penal Law does not protect anymore the moral in a general means


direito crime sexual contra as crianças exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes estatuto da criança e do adolescente - brasil direitos das crianças direitos dos adolescentes

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