A produção científica de um programa de pós-graduação em educação: um estudo sobre a FURB




The Programs of After-graduation (PPGs) are privileged spaces for formation of researchers and production of knowledge. In Brazil, the PPGs in Education had been created from 1970, mainly in public Universities, located in the Southeastern region, that is, in the economic center of the country. From 1990, it had a process of expansion of these programs for other institutions and states that, in this work, we will call peripherals, characterized for its localization are of the geographic axle and central of economic production of the country, beyond the one of scientific production and of it arrives in port of financial resources of research agencies. This work has as empirical corpus the scientific production of a PPG in Education of a peripheral state: the PPGE of the Foundation Regional University of Blumenau, located in Santa Catarina. With the objective to understand and to characterize the conditions with that this production in the period between 2001-2005 is carried through, that is, after credenciamento CAPES. It assumes, therefore, relevance for reflecting on the scientific production of PPG in education, offering subsidies so that the FURB analyzes its politics of production of the knowledge. For in such a way, we use historical document analysis of the program, with special attention for the academic production of the professors in the indicated period (collected way resume lattes), beyond interviews. The data indicate that the production conditions (financial time, resources and infrastructure) are considered positive by the professors and the construction of a investigativa culture in the molds of what the promotion agencies consider: privileging groups of research and publications in scientific magazines. It has predominance of white literature (book articles, chapters), with significant growth of the teaching production between 2001-2003 and small decrease in following - as much in how much cinereous white literature (summaries). We observe, still, in the analyzed period, the inversion of the predominance of individual production for collective, being this mainly carried through with pupils and professors of the proper IES. In the generality, even so the production conditions are good and the publication data point ahead with respect to the consolidation of the program of the promotion agencies, the production still is sufficiently heterogeneous and national insertion one in such a way incipiente. However, the PPGE of the FURB has great importance in the regional reality when fulfilling with its social function to produce knowledge directed to the interests of next its entorno


programs of after-graduation in education programas de pós-graduação em educação instituição de educação ssuperior periférica scientific production educacao institution of peripheral superior education produção científica

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