A presença e participação das mulheres no movimento de resistência camponesa a partir de Oséias 11




This research seeks an approximation to Chapter 11 of the prophecy attributed to Hosea. It is especially dedicated to recovering the historical memory of the women. That is why it is not limited solely to the perception of their presence, but it also seeks to perceive their active, creative and decisive participation in the historical and prophetic journey of the people of Israel, at the end of the eighth century B.C. The proposition that lies within the recuperation of this memory is that the women be recognized as theological protagonists, when they are co-participants in the production of biblical texts and as social protagonists in the active resistance to relations of domination and subordination of peasant women and other oppressed minorities. What stands out in chap. 11 is the project of reconstructing the house. This is not conceived as an idealized space but as an appropriate space for continuing the liberating project of the exodus. It becomes a social space where the articulation of the opposition to the monarchy and where construction of social alternatives which make it possible to have hope rooted in the value of life, take place. The history of the people and of the monarchy itself is evaluated based on this concrete space made possible by this house of confrontation and resistance. The prophetic denouncement focuses on a religion that is placed at the service of the economic project of the monarchy, through the practice of sacrifices, which the prophecy points out as being responsible for the de-structuring of the house and for leading Israel to ruination. The prophecy also focuses on the denouncement of the violence practiced by the structures of monarchic power which are rooted in the religion. It is also in this social space of the house that the theological perspective is re-signified and permits a reconstruction of the image of God. From a monarchical patriarchal image it moves in the direction of a maternal feminine image that manifests the daily dynamics of the care of a mother for her son or daughter. In this representation of God the practice of mercy that is made concrete in the community relations is implicit and it is necessary for making effective the reconstruction project that prioritizes the house as a concrete space that makes perspectives of hope viable.(AU)


mulheres na bíblia ciencias humanas

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