A posição subjetiva do formador na condução do processo reflexivo de professores de Ciências / The subjective role of teacher educators in conducing the reflective process of science teachers.




Just like the teacher they intend to educate, a teacher educator also holds their beliefs, their personal experience and models, which they have acquired throughout their own education and professional development. Therefore, the educator is also someone who faces difficulties, who is subject to taking risks, who finds themselves at a crossroads, divided over their fears and wishes, victims of their contrasts, and submitted to their intelligence and intuition. For this reason, we have turned our attention to the educator, studying their actions and queries along continuing education courses, mainly concerning the way they deal with their dilemmas. Focusing on the educators subjective aspects, we are going to try to understand to what extent their actions and queries may, either explicitly or implicitly, influence the educators practice and impact on the teachers being prepared. As far as actions and queries are concerned, we have stuck to the theoretical references of the reflection-action (D. Schön) as well as to those of the reflexive professor (K. Zeichner), the origins of which are found in the reflexive thought (J. Dewey). Since these theoretical models, increasingly valued within the continuing education scope, do not take into consideration that the unconscious level works and interferes in peoples thoughts and actions, we have discussed and widened their limits regarding theory and practice according to psychoanalysis theoretical reference. S. Freud, J. Lacan and other authors who believe it is possible to articulate psychoanalysis and education provided the support for our analysis. We were mainly concerned with the concepts of transference, the Other, enjoyment and desire, analyzing the subjective attitude of the individuals studied in relation to these elements, as they play the role or take over the position of teacher educators. In this study, we support the idea that questioning educators subjective attitudes, through a deeper and disturbing reflection, may turn out to be more promising in the search for satisfactory changes in teaching practice. Finally, we provide some hints which may help pave the way for a new format for teacher education courses.


formação de professores psicanálise psychoanalysis subjectivity subjetividade teachers education refelexive professor professor reflexivo prática reflexiva reflexive practice ciências: estudo e ensino sciences: study and education

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