A pesca de camarões-de-profundidade (aristeidae) na região sudeste-sul do Brasil: avaliação da dinâmica de biomassa como ferramenta para gestão




The aristeid shrimp fishery started in Brazil in the end of 2002 after the discovery of profitable concentrations of these resources by chartered foreign trawling vessels. The operation of these vessels was stimulated by the Federal Government as a part of a plan of ocupation and exploration of Brazilian EEZ. The current work presents a study about the dynamics of that fishery and an assessment of aristeid shrimps biomass aiming at the generation of relevant informations for the development of a management plan of that activity. The analyzed data were generated from observers and satellite vessel monitoring system resulting a total of 15.000 fishing hauls conducted during 79 fishing trips between the forth trimester of 2002 and the second trimester of 2007. Because the area was not occupied simultaneously by all the vessels but followed a spatial order, the study area was divided into three sectors according with periods of occupation by chatered trawlers. Biomass estimates were made by the swept area method while CPUE standardization were conducted by General Linear Models (GLMs). Production potentials were calculated through life cicles parameters of the species obtained from the literature and the size at first capture determined from a selectivity pattern study of the trawling nets. Eight chartered vessels and one national vessel took part of that fishery and together they applied more than 63.000 trawling hours on 11 spatially limited fishing grounds between 18 S and 33 S, and between 700 and 800 m of depth. The main species caught was the camarãocarabineiro, Aristaeopsis edwardsiana (456.710 kg), followed by the camarão-moruno Aristaeomorpha foliacea (121.497 kg), and camarão-alistado Aristeus antillensis (27.919 kg). The estimated virginal biomass of camarão-carabineiro in 2002 for all fishing grounds of southeasthern and southern Brazil was 865.033,3 kg. In 2007 it decreased about 41% according to the gross estimatives of swept area method and about 49% according to the abundance coefficients estimated by the GLM. A stock recovery plan was recomended limiting the fishery to the operation of not more than two vessels, an annual quota of 60.000 kg (including catches of the three species combined) and monthly quotas of 2.500 kg for each vessel. That annual quota was defined following the yield potential as calculated for the camarão-carabineiro, that must oscilate around 6% of virginal biomass


oceanografia camarão - pesca avaliação de estoques pesqueiros pesca de profundidade camarões-de-profundidade dinâmica da pescaria dinâmica de biomassa

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