A pequena cidade nas teias da aldeia global : relações e especificidades sócio - políticas nos municípios de Estrela do Sul, Cascalho Rico e Grupiara MG




This work aims to show that little cities problems e.g., cities with less than 10.000 inhabitants overpass financial-environmental binomial. Analysing Estrela do Sul, Grupiara and Cascalho Rico little cities, in Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba regions, Minas Gerais state, it achieves that the nature of little cities problems is the relationship between population and public power. Creation of Welfare State in these cities resulted from an amalgam of portuguese logic of public properties administration, and 1988 Brazil Federal Constitution descentralization and municipalist new policies. From this symbiosis, the welfare municipal state emerges with patrimonialist and welfaring features. It uses and it is used by little cities societies and, hence, establishes dependence relationship between population fraction and municipal power. The municipal power is the greatest employer and main agent of social, cultural, economic and environmental policies. The welfare municipal state represents little cities internal situations. It works in order to decrease impacts of tagential and difuse modernity on the population. Thus, it looks for social satisfaction ways that, in majority of cases, cares for just a part of little cities inhabitants. Nevertheless, there is a route for soluctions from this welfare municipal state. In this work, little cities intermunicipal cooperation could join the microrregional level that shares similar issues and, then, looks for new government practices. It could involve society and welfare municipal state.


lugar geografia política urbana - minas gerais state estado geografia urbana little cities microrregional pequena cidade microrregional cidades e vilas - minas gerais place

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