A pedagogia histórico-crítica : das propostas pedagógicas à sua implementação




The present research has for object the historic-critical pedagogy (PHC), while proposal orienting of the organization of the didactic work and the form as it comes being implanted in the schools of the public net of Campo Grande /MS. The PHC is situated in the picture of the critical trends of the brazilian education and comes being developed since 1983, when it was launched by Saviani, D. We have analyzed the theory and the methods beddings of the PHC, as well as its development carried through for the main followers of the proposal, with prominence in Libâneo, J.C., that has simplified the method, providing its introduction in the schools of Basic Education under the denomination of critical-social pedagogy of the contents. It was analyzed, to follow, the uses possibilities of the pedagogical proposals as starting point for the introduction of the PHC in the schools, searched the possibilities and limits of the implantation of the PHC in public schools and, finally, the possibilities of overcoming the organization of the didactic work. The data had been gotten of the documentary analysis as for the pedagogical proposals, of the bibliographical survey of existing literature on the PHC and of interviews and questionnaires answered for the teachers and teams techniques of the schools selected for the research. Relative questions to the method and the conditions in which if they find the schools and its professionals point in such a way with respect to the unfeasibility of the pedagogical proposals as starting point, how much of the PHC as instrument theoretic and methodológical to be used during didactic work and, consequently, to bring good results as process of mediation in the fight for social transformations.


organização do trabalho didático critical-social pedagogy of the contents organization of the didactic work historic-critical pedagogy pedagogia crítico-social dos conteúdos educacao pedagogia histórico-crítica

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