A modelagem matemática na escola básica: a mobilização do interesse do aluno e o privilegiamento da matemática escolar


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis aims at studying the enunciations about Mathematical Modeling in school life, especially, with respect to the concept of interest. The theoretical contributions that support the investigation are linked to Michel Foucaults and Ludwig Wittgensteins theorizations in their mature phase. Besides, we use some of John Deweys, Edouard Claparèdes, Johann Herbarts and Ovide Decrolys ideas related to the concept of interest. The research material includes Brazilian theses and dissertations on Mathematical Modeling in elementary and secondary school from 1987 to 2009, available on the Web portal of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES (High Education Staff Improvement Coordination). The analytical exercise done on the research material gave rise to three enunciations related to the concept of interest: the use of Mathematical Modeling in school life requires subjects that students are interested in as starting points of the pedagogical process; the use of Mathematical Modeling in school life turns students interested and, consequently, co-responsible for their learning; the use of Mathematical Modeling in school life raises students interest in school Mathematics. The discussion of these enunciations made it possible to conclude that the discourse on school Mathematical Modeling captures students by their interest in solving problems of their own reality, what reinforces school Mathematics privileged place. Moreover, students freedom to choose subjects of their own interest can be understood as a means to the teacher control students actions, leading their behavior, making them co-responsible for their learning and interested in school Mathematics


noção de interesse matemática escolar modelagem matemática na educação básica educacao mathematical modeling in elementary and secondary school school mathematics conception of interest

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