A mitologia n Os Lusiadas




The purpose of this work was to accomplish the historic and critical balance over the tradition of the studies about the poem Os Lusíadas, especially in Portugal, since its first expression, and by the ends of the XVI century, until the first half of the XIX century. To achieve this objective, this work attempted to observe the in part considered representative issues of this tradition regarding to this poem. More specifically having in view the debate generated around the use of the greek-roman mythology by Luís de Camões. Throughout all this debate, this work tried to fix the intectual matrices boundaries which guided the production of these works, as well as how to mark the issues which maintained its interests through the years and those which became no longer important for the caracteristic debate about this tradition. The first two chapters expose the significance of the classicals precepts in the considerations concerning the art from the XVI, XVII e XVIII centuries societies. Following, this work deliberates the romantic tendency of the critical tradition, and attempted to show the ideological motivations that allowed the critical rupture occasioned by it. Having this exercise concluded, an verisimilar interpretative hypothesis was formulated about the usage of greek-roman mythology at Os Lusíadas.


literatura portuguesa poetica

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