A marca do caso: singularidade e clínica de linguagem / The feature of the case: singularity and language clinic




This study focuses on theoretical and clinical issues regarding singularity in the realm of the so-called Language Clinic. It is argued that singularity is a notion which cannot be equated to individual difference. In fact, the title of this thesis makes mention to the feature of the case, i.e., to that which renders a clinical case not comparable to any other. Singularity is approached here from the perspective of an over-determinated effect on the clinician, which cannot be properly described, nor included in a class. Such an effect is over-determined since it is not possible to pinpoint what causes it. I depart from a discussion and a tentative of characterization of the speech therapy setting which comprises, as diagnostic procedures, three steps: interviews, followed by speech evaluation and a diagnostic decision that should underlie and foster the treatment itself. It is argued that in order to theoretically approach singularity (in clinical fields where language is at stake), it is necessary to consider the concept of transference as defined by Freud and later re-signified by Lacan. This study, though recognizing the importance of some psychoanalytical concepts and the clinical reasoning of that field, endeavors to state fundamental differences between Psychoanalysis and Language Clinic - particularly those related to the function of transference and the notion of symptom. This discussion is conducted in accordance with the European Structuralism, i.e., the saussurean and jakobsonian reflection on language (Saussure, 1916; Jakobson, 1954, 1960) and follows the perspective developed at LAEL-PUCSP by clinicians and researchers supervised by Lier-DeVitto, who coordinates the CNPq Group of Research called Language acquision, language pathology and language clinic. Two case stories are brought about and commented in order to illustrate the discussions carried on and, it is hoped, the clinical reasoning which underlies the specific way the Language Clinic is practiced by the clinicians identified with the specific kind of reflection proposed by the above mentioned Group of Research


singularidade transtornos da linguagem singularity transferência psicanalise symptom sintoma psychoanalysis clinica de linguagem language clinic escuta transference lingüística, letras e artes terapia da linguagem marca do caso feature of the case fala sintomatica speech pathology

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