A Linguagem dos tambores. / The Language of prums.




Candomblé can be understood as a generic term used to denominate some Afro-Brazilian religions. This work focuses on the music of one of these religions, known as Candomblé de queto or nagô. Music is an essential component in the rituals of these religions, being present in almost all ceremonies. It is continuous throughout the public rituals, beginning and ending together with them. In the Candomblé de queto, music does not present a single style, for its particularities are quite diversified. However, through fieldwork and bibliographical research I could find a common denominator for all musical expressions within this religion: their communicative function. In Candomblé nagô, music is then used as a form of language; a means through which the devotee transmits desired messages. Music is the official speech within the Candomblé rituals. The communicative function is not restricted to the words associated with music, but, as already mentioned, to any musical expression: songs or instrumental music. In fact, this thesis focuses on the instrumental music of this religion, especially on that originated from the atabaques (a kind of drum). By analyzing the music of these instruments I show how their sounds are used as a means of communication, i.e., how the drums language is performed. In order to do so, peripheral aspects are approached, such as: the physical and symbolic description of the musical instruments that characterize this religion; information about learning processes in Candomblé, as well as a review of Western musicology concepts under the light of this Afro-Brazilian religions music.


musica candomblé ethnomusicology linguagem candomblé etnomusicologia language

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