A limit-method for solving period problems on minimal surfaces / Metodo limite para solução de problemas de periodos em superficies minimas




In this work we present the study and construction of minimal surfaces through an exclusive method. In 1762, Lagrange introduced the Minimal Surfaces Diferential Equation through the Calculus of Variations, and today the theory of such surfaces builds up an active and broad research area. We obtain new families of minimal surfaces based upon the Reverse Construction Method, developed by Hermann Karcher during the eighties. In our work we stress the original fashion with which period problems are solved: One makes use of a limit minimal surface, of which the periods are known to have transversal solution. Because of that we named our technique as "limit-method", which simplies considerably the effort of solving period problems for the sought after family of minimal surfaces


superficies de geometria diferencial minimal surfaces riemann surfaces differential geometry riemann superficies minimas

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