A leitura de hipertexto: uma análise da prática pedagógica de um docente de Língua Inglesa em laboratório de multimídia em uma escola da cidade de Fortaleza-CE / Reading hypertext: an analysis of pedagogical practice a teacher of English Language Lab multimedia in a school in the city of Fortaleza-CE


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present dissertation that focus the teaching of reading comprehension through hypertext has the aim to diagnose English Language (EL) teachers perceptions about the usage of the hypertext to the reading comprehension in the multimedia laboratory and, within the same context, describes an English Language teachers pedagogical pratice from a private school of the city of Fortaleza-CE. Grounded by researchers of the New Technologies of the Information and Communication (NTIC) like Marcuschi &Xavier (2004), Dias (2000), Hass (2005), Lanhan (1993), Landow (1992), Tuman (1992), Morgado (1998), and others, we analyzed the EFL teachers perceptions in the dealing with the hypertextual reading and the EFL teachers pedagogical pratice in his everyday activities proposed in the computer screen. To this, we used the descritiveexploratory approach in which the utilized instruments to answer the research questions and to reach the proposed objectives to this study were a questionary, answered by the participants of the research, and the observation of a EFL teachers classes. The gotten results showed that, in spite of the participant teachers have digital literacy and notion of what hypertext is, they did not show ability and practice with the usage of the e-text as an educational tool able to potencialize the teaching/learning of EFL. It was also observed that the material used in the EFL teaching in the multimedia laboratory focused much less on the reading comprehension and the activities do not have hypertextual caractheristics. These results point to a refletion about the usage of hypertext as an educational tool in the EFL teaching and about a continuous theoretical-practical formation of the teaching profissionals in order to empower and qualify these profissionals to the usage of the hypertext in the reading comprehension activities.


linguistica aplicada hipertexto leitura em língua inglesa prática docente hypertext, reading in english language, teachers practice

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