A Legitimidade do discurso constitucional : uma análise da jurisdição constitucional fundamentada na teoria da identidade do sujeito constitucional de Michel Rosenfeld




This dissertation analyzed the legitimacy of constitutional adjudication and constitutional discourse based on Michel Rosenfelds theory of the identity of the constitutional subject, coupled with classic concepts of semiotics taken from authors like Umberto Eco, Roland Barthes, Ferdinand Saussure, Roman Jakobson. After the introduction of the problem concerning the legitimacy of constitutional adjucation, the first chapter exposed the philosophical background of Rosenfelds theory, directly linked with the philosophical approach of Deconstruction. The concepts and ideas that compose the theory of the identity of the constitutional subject were later explained and developed on the second chapter. The third chapter dealt with the elements taken from semiotics, presenting the constitutional identity as a language, with particular signs and rules. In the fourth chapter, the communication process of the constitutional discourse was analyzed, as well as the mechanisms of negation, metaphor and metonomy, and their role linked with constructions and reconstructions of the constitutional identity. The fifth chapter presents some suggestions and criteria of legitimacy for the constitutional discourse, based on the requisites of constitutionalism, pluralism, and Democratic Rule of Law, and the sixth and final chapter explains some of the possible configurations of illegitimate constitutional discourse. At last, the conclusion revisits the themes worked along the dissertation and makes some considerations regarding the applicability of these themes in the brazilian polity.


direito constitucional semiotic semiótica estado democrático de direito constitutional jurisdiction discurso constitucional semiology constitucionalismo democratic rule of law identidade constitucional semiologia constitutional discourse michel rosenfeld constitutional law michel rosenfeld jurisdição constitucional constitutionalism constitutional identity direito constitucional

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