A interdisciplinariedade e a hipermídia aplicadas na análise descritiva do CD-ROM "Diadorim: história local dos processos de alfabetização de crianças, jovens e adultos do município de Diadema"




This study is the effect of the hypothesis that recognizes in the hypermedia, according to the interdisciplinary proposal, innovatory potential for the models rupture of the traditional and meaning education to found conditions to constructing of the renewed educative process. To confirm this hypothesis, we search theoretically into the principal teaching boarding that influence the Brasilian education, we study the National Curricular Parameter, we search the hypermedia and the interdisciplinarity concepts and its historical development, and we deepen the knowledges about the hypermedias properties, the painting language and its importance in the hypermedias conception. By means of the descriptive analysis of the CD-ROM Diadorim local history of the child, young persons and adults alphabetization process of the Diadema Municipality, we verify that the materials us the studied hypermedia is one important instrument that allow of the pupil one active reader, one co-author, one participant of the educative process. At last, we show the important relation between the knowledges production and the public politicians of the search valorization. The Diadorim project is one proof of the binomial university and the public power can give the construction of the materials and high quality projects and to create excellent opportunities to improve the quality of the Education.


interdisciplinarity hypermedia education interdisciplinaridade educacao educação hipermídia

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