A inserção e vivência da mulher na docência de matemática: uma questão de gênero




This dissertation aims to investigate the entry and experiences of women in the teaching of mathematics at public secondary schools in Campina Grande, Paraíba. The analytical framework drew on Pierre Bourdieurs concepts of habitus, field, capital, and symbolic violence, as well as on the contributions of feminist scholars such as Joan Scott, Helleieth Saffiot, Londa Schienbinger and Guacira Louro, among others. The following aspects were considered: the historical construction of math as a masculine field, the professional profile of teacher, their preparation as a means to understand the social and cultural construction of this professional field, local and regional quantitative data on women in this field, the associations between gender relations and myths about mathematics, and the gender relations experienced by female teachers. Empirical were collected through semi-structured interviews with five female teachers two of them retired and three still working at Escola de Ensino Médio Pe. Elpídio de Almeida in Campina Grande, with the purpose of comparing their experiences. The analysis showed that, despite advances in women participation in many fields, there is prejudice and practices associated with gender power relations which make womens access and participation in math teaching difficult. Moreover, even though teaching is regarded as a female career, math teaching is still mens domain, mainly in the Northeast of Brazil.


teaching profession matemática mathematics secondary schooling educacao gender gênero ensino médio docência

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