A inserção das mulheres no Colégio Catarinense, 1967 - 73 / The insertion of the women in the Catarinense College, 1967-73




The central objective of this work is to investigate the sort relations that had been constructed and reconstructed in the years of 1967-73, period where the Catarinense College inserted the presence of women in a pertaining to school space destined until then to the masculine education. The research is developed from thirteen interviews carried through between teachers, employees and pupils who had frequented the College in the selected secular clipping. Through the verbal stories, of the memories of these women, the reading and the research of documents and sources of the College, as well as of the use of theoretical contributions of some authors, it is looked to track as it was the company and the relations of sort between pupils, pupils, teachers, professors, coordinators, coordinators and direction in the interior of this pertaining to school institution, observing changes in the physical space, alteration in the didactic organization, application of norms to discipline and forms of treatment differentiated for men and women


educação relações de gênero mulheres educação feminina história gênero santa catarina educação das mulheres sort relations feminine identity florianópolis (sc) identidade feminina education of the women educacao

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