A inibição diante da improvisação musical: um programa operacional destinado a desinibir o aluno para com esta prática.




This research analysed the development of inhibition breaking of a students group about musical improvisation. It was shown that the students group used to be afraid of improvising technique. That conclusion was possible because of an operacional program based on texts, images and practical exercises that looked for, by a mental attitude changing, to provoke a development of their musical improvising performances. The purposes of this research were: making the students more confortable and confident with musical practice, that carries a bunch of benefits, to contribute to constructing a possible teaching method, clear, efficient and aplicable to Musical Improvisation subject of UFBA Music School and, finally, looking for attend the needs of the professional musician at extra class environment where musical genres uses perform improvisation. The results obtained were positives: We concluded that being afraid of musical improvisation is a psychological issue before being a technical issue. We also concluded that inhibition can be changed by using thinking techniques, induction metaforical images and monitorized practice of improvising exercises.


inibição educação musical criatividade inhibition musical improvisation musica improvisação musical musical education creativity

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