A informação como narrativa: mídia e troca simbólica / A informação como narrativa: mídia e troca simbólica




The information that goes around in the media produces meaning as it comes together into narratives, composing a media net that constitutes itself as symbolic exchange, an offer/demand mechanism that happens in an indirect way. This reflection is based on the concept of symbolic exchange coined by Lévi-Strauss, according to whom human beings become cultural beings because they establish mutual relations by communicating with one another through exchanges that can only be conceived in a metaphorical/symbolical process, and not through direct relations. The point here is thinking over the matter of information inserted in the current media field, considering both its inherent narrative configuration and its significant ordination. This paper has as theoretical references the contributions from the area of language science, mainly the works of Jacques Lacan, in psychoanalysis, and Claude Lévi-Strauss, in anthropology, besides the reference to Ferdinand de Saussure, considered the creator of modern linguistics.


sentido information narrative troca informação meaning discourse discurso exchange narrativa

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