A influencia do sexo e do ciclo menstrual sobre a atividade eletromiografica e a sensibilidade dolorosa dos musculos da mastigação em individuos portadores de disfunção temporomandibular / The influence of sex and menstrual cycle over the pain and electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles in subjects with temporomandibular disorders




The masticatory myalgia is one of the most common symptoms in temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients; however, its pathophysioloy is poorly understood. Thus, the aims of this study were to investigate the effect of sex and pain on electromyographic activity (EMG); the effect of menstrual cycle phases on EMG activity; the influence of menstrual cycle on pain sensitivity; and the psychological aspects of TMD and control group. TMD cases were 30 normally cycling women; and 23 men. Controls were 30 normally cycling women and 30 men, without TMD or other chronic pains. The subjects were assessed based on Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) for both myofascial pain and arthralgia (Axis I). Subjects completed the RDC/TMD (Axis II), for Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS), and measures of depression and nonspecific physical symptoms. EMG signals at rest were recorded bilaterally from the anterior temporal and masseter muscles. The root mean square (RMS) were computed from the EMG signals and normalized to the values obtained during maximal voluntary contractions. The results showed that were EMG differences only on the men?s TMD left masticatory muscles. There were no statistically significant differences in the EMG activity of masticatory muscles between women with and without TMD. The myofascial pain was significantly higher in menstrual phase compared with all of other phases of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, TMD women experienced higher GCPS, more moderately to severely graded depression, and scored greater moderate and severe somatization items than men TMD patients. It was concluded that: 1) The TMD men, presented higher EMG activity on the left side of the face, where pain was more prevalent. There was no significantly differences in EMG activity of women?s TMD masticatory muscles, which indicates that the pain-induced changes in muscular responses could differ in men and women; 2) TMD pain is frequently accompanied by psychological aspects, like depression and somatization mainly in women


facial pain menstrual cycle sex differences ciclo menstrual sexo - diferenças dor facial

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